Leading Ladies in Business featuring Benems Director…

Rachel, Director of Benems Featured in ‘Absolutely Essex’, 

“Top Leading Ladies in Business”


Director Sales, Benems Carpet, Flooring & Fireplace Centre


When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Well that’s a question. As a very young mummy I didn’t give it much thought, although I had a passion for nursing and caring. I worked voluntarily in mental health, when I emigrated from North to South and worked in a NHS mental health hospital for many years which I loved, making lifelong friends on this journey called life. Within these times was always a passion for colour, not a follower of the trends – drawn to leopard print orange, and vibrant colours.

Was there a particular ‘Sliding Doors’ moment that shaped your career?

Sliding doors or the slippery slope of a failed marriage… I became a single mummy, circumstances and life’s paths often change direction – I say to my friends and family I believe you may not always like it but there’s a plan. Believe in your superpower – what’s that ? It’s you!. Now after 28 years of trading, I’m super proud of my team, our brand and our care of each and every customer. We carry through old fashioned values, we are a team and a family.

Tell us about the business you run today?

Benems is an anagram of my children’s names (Emma and Ben). Twenty eight years on and what a rollercoaster ride, not least with many challenges. But believe in the you, be honest, be kind, work hard, don’t ask of anyone something you wouldn’t do yourself, and treat every customer and potential order with the ‘you are important to us’. Seeing the customers returning room after room, home move after home move, means we got it right – plus now it’s the next generation being introduced to the Benems experience by parents and grandparents. It’s heart warming and makes me feel proud as a woman to run a business in a male dominated industry, especially when I started.

Out of work, where or when are you happiest?

Family and friends. I like hosting, I love a meal out with any combination of the above – and then the reward of a holiday, creating memories, is the bonus.

How do you ensure a work/life balance?

Socialising is a big part of my life as are family – and only then do I really switch off. Unless I’m doing marketing, grappling and learning social media platforms to showcase our wares – or decorating at home, changing and adding colour is most definitely one of my favourite things that makes me smile. 

If you could go back in time and offer yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

Always believe in yourself when others doubted. Never stop learning. Don’t waste time waiting for someone to change – one life make it count. Don’t ever be afraid to try – trying is how you are going to learn things that make you smarter, wiser, and stronger. And don’t worry about failing because it’s not a failure if you learned something that can make you better as you move ahead. Believe in your worth and be kind!

To see the article in the magazine, please visit page 30 here.